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A weekly bulletin detailing the latest news and updates from Shopify.

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A weekly bulletin detailing the latest news and updates from Shopify.

Welcome to Superco: On Shopify, a weekly bulletin to keep you up to date with Shopify Plus news and updates. 

Four changes this week, and most developments have been designed to make life within the Shopify store manager app easier!

If you have a specific question related to Shopify, get in touch with the team at — we’re always happy to chat.

Duties and import taxes preferential treaties (Apr 05)

Shopify has added the ability to toggle whether preferential treaties are used in your Duties and Import Taxes calculations in checkout.

Preferential treaties, also known as free trade agreements (FTA), are agreements between two or more countries that can lower or eliminate duties on certain products. Certain requirements need to be met in order for your duties to be reduced. If you are unable to meet the requirements of a preferential treaty, you may disable them on the duties and taxes settings page, and the calculator will fallback to the countries most-favoured-nation (MFN) duty rate.

Updated long press behaviour on lists in the Shopify App (Apr 10)

The Shopify App has updated long press behaviour on list screens on both iOS and Android to improve consistency. 

The Abandoned Checkouts Index, Collections Index, Customer Index, Customer Addresses List and Customer Segments Index now have consistent long press behaviour for Orders and Products. They have also added filtering and sorting to many of these screens.

Long press for bulk actions makes it easy to perform actions on multiple list items at once from the Shopify App.

Easier collection edits from the Shopify App (Apr 10)

The collections details flows in the Shopify App have been updated to improve consistency between products and collections details screens. You can now view, create and edit a collection from a single screen, with similar sections and saving behaviour as the product details screens.

This change reduces the number of taps it takes to create or edit a collection by utilising similar subscreen saving behaviour as Products.

Customer notes and tags can now be added from the Shopify App on iOS (Apr 10)

The ‘Add Customer flow’ in the Shopify App has been updated to improve consistency between iOS and Android. You can now add notes and tags on iOS and search for and sort customer tags.

This change makes it easier for merchants to share notes about a customer and add tags while on-the-go, ensuring those notes and tags are accessible regardless of the platform a staff member views a customer’s details from.

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On Shopify is a weekly bulletin detailing the latest news and updates from Shopify

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A weekly bulletin detailing the latest news and updates from Shopify.

Welcome to Superco: On Shopify, a weekly bulletin to keep you up to date with Shopify Plus news and updates. 

Four changes this week, and most developments have been designed to make life within the Shopify store manager app easier!

If you have a specific question related to Shopify, get in touch with the team at — we’re always happy to chat.

Duties and import taxes preferential treaties (Apr 05)

Shopify has added the ability to toggle whether preferential treaties are used in your Duties and Import Taxes calculations in checkout.

Preferential treaties, also known as free trade agreements (FTA), are agreements between two or more countries that can lower or eliminate duties on certain products. Certain requirements need to be met in order for your duties to be reduced. If you are unable to meet the requirements of a preferential treaty, you may disable them on the duties and taxes settings page, and the calculator will fallback to the countries most-favoured-nation (MFN) duty rate.

Updated long press behaviour on lists in the Shopify App (Apr 10)

The Shopify App has updated long press behaviour on list screens on both iOS and Android to improve consistency. 

The Abandoned Checkouts Index, Collections Index, Customer Index, Customer Addresses List and Customer Segments Index now have consistent long press behaviour for Orders and Products. They have also added filtering and sorting to many of these screens.

Long press for bulk actions makes it easy to perform actions on multiple list items at once from the Shopify App.

Easier collection edits from the Shopify App (Apr 10)

The collections details flows in the Shopify App have been updated to improve consistency between products and collections details screens. You can now view, create and edit a collection from a single screen, with similar sections and saving behaviour as the product details screens.

This change reduces the number of taps it takes to create or edit a collection by utilising similar subscreen saving behaviour as Products.

Customer notes and tags can now be added from the Shopify App on iOS (Apr 10)

The ‘Add Customer flow’ in the Shopify App has been updated to improve consistency between iOS and Android. You can now add notes and tags on iOS and search for and sort customer tags.

This change makes it easier for merchants to share notes about a customer and add tags while on-the-go, ensuring those notes and tags are accessible regardless of the platform a staff member views a customer’s details from.

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On Shopify #22

On Shopify is a weekly bulletin detailing the latest news and updates from Shopify

Welcome to Superco: On Shopify, a weekly bulletin to keep you up to date with Shopify Plus news and updates. 

Four changes this week, and most developments have been designed to make life within the Shopify store manager app easier!

If you have a specific question related to Shopify, get in touch with the team at — we’re always happy to chat.

Duties and import taxes preferential treaties (Apr 05)

Shopify has added the ability to toggle whether preferential treaties are used in your Duties and Import Taxes calculations in checkout.

Preferential treaties, also known as free trade agreements (FTA), are agreements between two or more countries that can lower or eliminate duties on certain products. Certain requirements need to be met in order for your duties to be reduced. If you are unable to meet the requirements of a preferential treaty, you may disable them on the duties and taxes settings page, and the calculator will fallback to the countries most-favoured-nation (MFN) duty rate.

Updated long press behaviour on lists in the Shopify App (Apr 10)

The Shopify App has updated long press behaviour on list screens on both iOS and Android to improve consistency. 

The Abandoned Checkouts Index, Collections Index, Customer Index, Customer Addresses List and Customer Segments Index now have consistent long press behaviour for Orders and Products. They have also added filtering and sorting to many of these screens.

Long press for bulk actions makes it easy to perform actions on multiple list items at once from the Shopify App.

Easier collection edits from the Shopify App (Apr 10)

The collections details flows in the Shopify App have been updated to improve consistency between products and collections details screens. You can now view, create and edit a collection from a single screen, with similar sections and saving behaviour as the product details screens.

This change reduces the number of taps it takes to create or edit a collection by utilising similar subscreen saving behaviour as Products.

Customer notes and tags can now be added from the Shopify App on iOS (Apr 10)

The ‘Add Customer flow’ in the Shopify App has been updated to improve consistency between iOS and Android. You can now add notes and tags on iOS and search for and sort customer tags.

This change makes it easier for merchants to share notes about a customer and add tags while on-the-go, ensuring those notes and tags are accessible regardless of the platform a staff member views a customer’s details from.

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